Loving God / Loving Each Other / Loving the Whole Word
The gospel is…
Good news
God’s Story
Have you ever wondered…
Who God is?
What his plan for creation is?
What his plan for you is?
This video presents the amazing account of God's creation, man's disobedience, God's rescue plan, and ultimately the total restoration of His creation.
To access God’s story in a different language, or for additional resources, visit thestoryfilm.com
Your Story
hOW does god’s story impact your story?
The world we live in is not as god intended…
but, by god’s grace, he has made a way for us to be rescued out of the brokenness.
This presentation will help you understand the world that we live in, the world that god intended for us, and how jesus’ is the only way to get there.
What Now?
Ready to commit your life to Christ? Click here to learn how to move forward as a christian.
Need prayer? Want to know more?
Click here to hear an encouraging message and ask for prayer.